As a condition of using a lift ticket, card, or pass and any facilities of Perfect North Slopes, Inc., I understand and accept all terms and conditions posted.


I am familiar with and will adhere to “YOUR RESPONSIBILITY CODE”:

  1.  Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid people or objects.
  2.  People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them.
  3.  Stop only where you are visible from above and do not restrict traffic.
  4.  Look uphill and avoid others before starting downhill or entering a trail.
  5.  You must prevent runaway equipment.
  6.  Read and obey all signs, warnings, and hazard markings.
  7.  Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
  8.  You must know how and be able to load, ride and unload lifts safely. If you need assistance, ask the lift attendant.
  9.  Do not use lifts or terrain when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  10.  If you are involved in a collision or incident, share your contact information with each other and a ski area employee.

Winter sports involve risk of serious injury or death. Your knowledge, decisions, and actions contribute to your safety and that of others. If you need help understanding the Code, please ask Perfect North Slopes management for additional help. 

Park Smart Freestyle/Terrain Park Code

START SMALL – Work your way up. Build your skills.

MAKE A PLAN – Every feature. Every time.

ALWAYS LOOK – Before you drop.

RESPECT – The features and other users.

TAKE IT EASY – Know your limits. Land on your feet.

This is a partial list. Be safety conscious.

I am aware that the sport of snow skiing/boarding/tubing involves numerous risks of injury or death, including but not limited to, injury due to loss of control; falls; the failure of skiers/snowboarders/sliders to ski/ride/tube within their own abilities; use of ski lifts; collisions with or falls resulting from trees, rocks, lift towers, fences, snowmaking equipment, snow vehicles, signs, other skiers/snowboarders/sliders and other manmade or natural obstacles. I understand that I may encounter obstacles that are inherent in the sport, including but not limited to, bare spots, variations in snow, ice and terrain including bumps, moguls, terrain features, stumps, forest growth and debris, rocks, and other slope hazards or obstacles whether they are marked or unmarked, manmade or natural, or a result of slope design or modifications. I understand and agree that Perfect North Slopes, Inc. shall have no duty to warn me of or to remedy any natural or manmade risks, dangers or hazards. I agree that, as a skier/snowboarder/slider, I have responsibilities to myself and to others to ski/ride/tube safely and in control. I also understand and agree that it is important to my safety to pay attention while loading, riding and unloading lifts, and I agree that I will not attempt to load, ride or unload a lift unless familiar with the proper way to do so. I understand that I am voluntarily choosing to participate in the sport of snow skiing/boarding/tubing at Perfect North Slopes, Inc. with knowledge of the aforesaid risks of injury or death involved and hereby expressly agree to accept and assume all such risks of injury or death associated with the sport of snow skiing/boarding/tubing.
As lawful consideration for being permitted by Perfect North Slopes, Inc. to participate in the sport of snow skiing/boarding/tubing, I hereby release from any and all legal liability and agree not to sue or make a claim against, and to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Perfect North Slopes, Inc., and all of its owners, officers, members, agents and employees, its lessors and lessees for any and all claims for damage, injuries, death to myself or any person or property, including all defense costs, attorney’s fees, and other expenses of any type, without limitations, caused by or resulting from my participation in the sport of snow skiing/boarding/tubing or other alpine activities while on the premises, whether such costs, damage, injury or death was caused by their negligence or from any other cause. I further release and give up any and all claims and rights that I may now have against Perfect North Slopes, Inc. This releases all claims, including those of which I am not aware and those not mentioned in this release. This release applies to claims resulting from anything which has happened up to now.

I agree that if any portion of this agreement is determined to be unenforceable by a court of law, all other parts of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect. I further agree that any claim I may bring against Perfect North Slopes, Inc. shall be filed in the Circuit or Superior Court of Dearborn County, the State of Indiana and I further agree that only the laws of the State of Indiana shall apply in the construction or application of this agreement.

I understand that all poles and/or flags, signage, and covers on equipment or objects or other forms of marking devices are used by the resort to inform me of the presence or location of a potential obstacle or hazard. These markers are no guarantee of my safety and will not protect me from injury. It is part of my responsibility under “Your Responsibility & Smart Style Code” to avoid all such obstacles or hazards, including those that are so marked.

The pass/card being issued is valid for the current season only, remains the property of Perfect North Slopes, Inc. and may be revoked or terminated on the breach of any of the provisions of this agreement. I understand that fraudulent use of this pass/card by me and/or others, or misrepresentation of my status making me ineligible for the pass/card I have applied for, will result in criminal prosecution, and is grounds for terminating and revoking the pass/card without refund. Perfect North Slopes, Inc. reserves the right to require identification at any time.

Passes/cards/tickets are non-assignable and non-transferable. I will not allow any other person to use the pass/card at any time. If I do so, I understand and agree Perfect North Slopes, Inc. can revoke and terminate the pass/card without refund. Refunds will be issued only in the event of an injury and prorated based on a 12-week season. Any unused visits/validations are considered forfeited. I agree that lift tickets may not be resold.

In the event the pass/card is lost, stolen, broken or rendered unrecognizable, I will immediately notify Perfect North Slopes, Inc. I agree to pay $5 for a replacement of my Season Pass. A handling fee, up to $15, will be assessed for any changes made to passes/cards. All inactive gift cards will be charged a $10 maintenance fee on any remaining balance on April 1, one year from issue.

I understand and agree that any number of conditions, natural or otherwise, may prevent Perfect North Slopes, Inc. from offering full use of all equipment and facilities. Perfect North Slopes, Inc. does not warrant or guarantee that all of its lifts, terrain or other facilities will be open or available to the public. No refunds, partial or complete, will be provided if any lifts, terrain or other facilities, which I may desire to use, are not open or available. I understand that the purchase of a pass/card/lift ticket does not guarantee availability of rental equipment or lessons.

If renting equipment, I accept for use as is the rental equipment and accept full responsibility for the care of the equipment while it is in my possession, and agree to reimburse Perfect North Slopes, Inc. for any loss or damage other than reasonable wear resulting from use. I understand I am responsible and will be held accountable for the full retail value of rental equipment if I fail to return it. I furthermore release Perfect North Slopes, Inc. from any liability for damage and injury to myself or to any person or property resulting from the negligence, selection or adjustment by the rental shop and the use of rental equipment by me, accepting myself the full responsibility for any and all damage or injury. I will make no misrepresentations with regard to my height, weight, age or skiing/snowboarding ability.

If renting skis, I understand that the ski bindings furnished are bindings designed to reduce the risk or degree of injuries from falling, and that despite the fact that adjustments have been made, I also understand that the bindings will not release under ALL circumstances and are no guarantee of my safety. If renting a snowboard, I understand that the boot/binding system will not ordinarily release during use, nor is it specifically designed or intended to release as a result of forces during ordinary operation, and it is therefore absolutely no guarantee of my safety.

If renting a helmet, I agree to release from any and all legal liability and agree not to sue or make claim against and to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify Perfect North Slopes, Inc., its employees, owners, affiliates, members, agents, lessors, lessees, shareholders, officers, directors, and Giro, its parent and affiliate corporate entities, their manufacturers, distributors and successors in interest for all claims for damage, injuries, death to myself or any person or property, including all defense costs, attorney fees and other expenses of any type, without limitations, which results from the equipment user’s participation in skiing/boarding/tubing for which the equipment is provided, or which is related in any way to the use of the equipment, including all liability which results from the negligence, strict liability or breach of warranty. I understand that a helmet will help reduce the risk of some types of injuries and recognize that serious injury or death can result from both low and high energy impacts, even when a helmet is worn. I understand that no helmet can protect the user against every foreseeable impact to the head and skiing/snowboarding/tubing present situations which surpass the limits of protection offered by the helmet. I understand that a helmet does not protect against trauma to any other part of my body, including my neck, face and spine, and that these limitations are unavoidable and inherent risks of any activity in which a helmet will be used. I understand that in order to function at its full capacity, a helmet must fit correctly. I am aware that a helmet will not protect me against unavoidable and inherent risks while skiing/boarding/tubing. I understand when I fasten the chinstrap and shake my head there should be no significant movement of the helmet, and at rest it feels comfortably snug. I agree not to transfer the helmet for use by any other person. In the event the undersigned does transfer the helmet in violation of this agreement, he/she agrees to indemnify Perfect North Slopes, Inc., its employees, owners, affiliates, members, agents, lessors, lessees, shareholders, officers, directors, and Giro, its parent and affiliate corporate entities, their manufacturers, distributors and successors against any claim, demand, losses or damages arising out of the injury or property damage through use of said equipment. This agreement shall be binding and may be pled as a complete bar and defense against any claim, demand, action or causes of action by or on behalf of the undersigned or any user. In the event of any incident while wearing the helmet or damage otherwise inflicted upon the helmet, I agree to immediately cease use, return it to the Perfect North Slopes, Inc. Rental Dept. and provide a written report describing the incident.

I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents and the terms. I am aware that I am releasing certain legal rights that I otherwise may have and I enter into this legal contract of my own free will. This contract shall be legally binding upon me, my heirs, my estate, assigns, legal guardians and my personal representatives, and in the event that I am signing on behalf of any minors, that I have full authority to do so, realizing its binding effect on them as well as myself. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Perfect North Slopes, Inc. and all of its owners, officers, members, agents and employees, its lessors and lessees for any claim, suit, loss or expenses, including actual attorney fees and costs, without limitations, which arises out of the participation or presence at Perfect North Slopes of minor on whose behalf I am signing. As a condition of holding my Perfect North Slopes pass/card, renting equipment, and being permitted to use any and all of the facilities of the area, I further agree to assume all risk of personal injury or loss or damage to any of my property.

Ski, Snowboard, and tube at your own risk. Perfect North Slopes, Inc. is not responsible for accidents. All signs, rules, policies that refer to skiing also apply to snowboarding. Be aware of changing conditions. Natural and manmade obstacles exist. Snowmaking and grooming activities are routinely in progress on slopes and trails. Use caution, ski/snowboard in control and only on designated slopes or trails. Any number of conditions, natural or otherwise, may prevent Perfect North Slopes, Inc. from offering full use of all equipment and facilities at the area. Perfect North Slopes, Inc. does not warrant or guarantee that all of its lifts, terrain or other facilities will be open or available to the public. Snow is our business. We make every effort to make snow during the evening when closed; however, in order to provide sufficient coverage, it may be necessary to make snow during operating hours. Trails or tubing lanes may be closed for various reasons such as lack of snow, snowmaking in progress, racing events, grooming, etc. No refunds, partial or complete, will be provided if any lifts, terrain or other facilities are not open or available.

Access to the snow is permitted only to those with a valid RFID Lift Ticket. Anyone caught on the snow without a valid ticket will be charged double. The purchase of a Lift Ticket does not guarantee the availability of rental equipment or lessons. Lost RFID cards are subject to a $5 reprint fee. 

One person per tube. We recommend children be at least 4 years of age. Everyone tubing is required to sign a waiver. A Parent/Guardian signature is recommended for children under 18. No personal sleds on tubing lanes or in the lodges.

Anyone using rental equipment without a valid paid rental will be charged double. Broken or unreturned equipment charges will be made to responsible patron. Do not make adjustments to your ski bindings. Always return to rental area for any exchanges or adjustments which should be made by Rental Shop personnel. Check rental ID number each time you put on your rental equipment and make sure it matches your rental form. Always check to make sure your equipment functions properly. Skis, Snowboards and Blades must have metal edges. We recommend that equipment not be brought into the lodge including skis, snowboards, blades, or tubes. If using rental equipment, you are permitted in Jam Session Terrain Park; however, rental equipment is not allowed in Audition Terrain Park.


  • LIFT TICKETS & RENTALS All sales are final. Tickets, Rentals, and Vouchers are non-refundable. Ticket vouchers are valid for redemption for current season and following season. Tickets and ticket vouchers are not replaceable if lost or stolen.
  • SNOW GUARANTEE We take pride in providing the best conditions possible each and every day for our skiing and snowboarding guests. If we are unable to meet your expectations, we offer the following guarantee: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the day’s conditions, we will be glad to issue you a credit in the form of a PNS Gift Card equal to the price paid for your ticket. Refunds will not be given. Requests must be made in person at the Ticket Office within 30 minutes of the purchase time, and your lift ticket must be surrendered.
  • SEASON PASSES All sales are final. Passes are valid only for season purchased. Passes are not transferrable. Any unused visits are considered forfeited. Partial refunds onto a PNS gift card may be available for cause of injury if reported within 14 days with a doctor’s note prohibiting snowsports activities.
  • LESSONS All sales are final. Lesson programs are not refundable. Daily lesson cancellations must be requested 24 hours in advance in-person or on the phone, and will be charged a fee of $20 with the remaining credit being placed on a PNS Gift Card.
  • GIFT CARDS All sales are final, no refunds.
  • RETAIL No refunds for goggles or gloves. Unused items with receipt and original tags may be returned within 14 days of purchase.
  • FOOD All sales are final, no refunds.
  • LOCKER RENTALS All sales are final, no refunds.

Don’t be a victim of theft! Lock up skis/snowboards and your personal items. Perfect North Slopes, Inc. is not responsible for lost or stolen items.  You are responsible for your possessions while you are visiting our resort.  Refrain from bringing any extra items into the lodge if at all possible, and use our lockers (located throughout the facilities) to secure the items you must bring with you.  Skis and snowboards are prohibited inside the lodge and should be secured on the outdoor racks with personal equipment locks or dropped off at our Free Ski/Board Check located on the lower deck outside the Rental Shop.  

Sleds not permitted on snow. No rainchecks. All lodges are smoke free. Weapons of any kind are not permitted on the premises. Pets not permitted in the lodges or on the snow. Under certain conditions, a grease-like substance may drip from mechanical equipment on chairlifts. Perfect North Slopes is not responsible for grease on clothing. Photographs/video taken may be used for advertising for Perfect North Slopes, Inc. Management reserves the right to publish these photos and no compensation will be given to subjects. Emergency First Aid and assistance is provided by registered members of the National Ski Patrol. This service is provided free of charge.

Although every precaution is taken to ensure accuracy, errors or misunderstandings in price, quantity, and/or specifications may occur.  We reserve the right to correct such errors.